Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in China bashing. The West have denigrated China’s politics, China’s history, China’s culture, China’s economic progress, China’s technological progress, China’s military modernization, China’s territorial claims, China’s foreign policy, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, China’s handling of the pandemic. And I’m sure I’ve left out a few others.
It is extremely obvious that this increased China bashing coincided with China’s spectacular economic rise over the past two decades, since China joined the WTO. China’s GDP skyrocketed from $1.34 trillion in 2001 to $17.73 trillion in 2021, a thirteen-fold increase, making China the world’s second largest economy by nominal GDP and a mere $5.59 trillion behind the USA (source: World Bank). Surely, this must’ve put the fear of God into the US government. Never before has the USA had to face a true peer competitor.
So, where have the West gone wrong in their China narrative?
China’s politics
In the eyes of the West, China is supposedly a very repressive state where the people have no freedom. This is easily debunked by visiting China and seeing how the Chinese live.
This can be further corroborated by Western research. The Edelman Trust Barometer for 2022 shows a 91 percent trust level for China’s government. A 2020 study from the Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School shows a 95.5 percent satisfaction rate for China’s central government. Latana’s Democracy Perception Index for 2022 shows that the Chinese regard their country as the most democratic in the world. An Ipsos survey in November 2019 shows that 95 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track.
There is zero credible evidence for Western allegations of human rights abuse in Xinjiang. People like Adrian Zenz and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) fabricate all kinds of silly analyses to support their accusations. The World Uyghur Congress, an anti-China organization funded by the US government and composed of disaffected Uyghurs, held a “tribunal” to present eyewitness testimonies, and we are supposed to take their testimonies at face value without question (surely, these people would never lie!).
Again, this can be debunked by visiting Xinjiang and seeing how the Uyghurs live.
China’s history
The West are supposedly superior to Asia because they had the Industrial Revolution while China, Japan and other countries were “backward.” This kind of nonsense stems from Western arrogance.
Europe’s history and circumstances did compel the continent to develop first in a way that Asian societies didn’t need to. This doesn’t make Europeans superior, just fortunate.
Similarly, the fact that Europe (and by extension, America) were responsible for nearly all of the last 2,000 years of colonialism (Roman, Ottoman, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Belgian, British, American) doesn’t imply that Europe and America are superior to Asia. In particular, China has always been a fairly insular state that prefers to keep to itself. Here, for example, was the greatest extent of imperial China (which looks remarkably like modern China):
Fun fact: China hasn’t fought a single war since 1979. No other world power has been so peaceful for so long.
And yet, we are expected to believe that China has ambitions of global conquest.
Except for a brief period of 50 years when Japan held Taiwan, Taiwan had been part of China since 1683…under the Qing Dynasty, under the Republic of China, and finally under the People’s Republic of China. The historical complications surrounding Taiwan does not alter China’s perception of Taiwan as Chinese territory. In modern times, nearly the entire world accepts the One China principle that Taiwan is part of China. Both the UN and the USA recognize this (recall the Three Communiques).
China’s technological progress
The West accuse China of stealing technology. In the past, China asked for reciprocity when foreign companies wanted access to China’s domestic market. They weren’t obligated to give away their trade secrets; they were free to walk away.
All countries want a leg up when they are first developing their economies. Two hundred years ago, America did the same thing as China, except in a more underhanded way. Similarly after the Second World War.
Today, China has no need to “steal” technology. It is perfectly capable of advancing on its own (e.g., 5G/6G, AI, mobile payments, quantum information science, space exploration, hypersonic missiles, stealth technology, etc.). Every year, China produces millions of STEM graduates — its pool of scientific and engineering talent is outstanding.
China’s military modernization
China’s modernization of its military is regarded by the West as a threat or sign of aggression, as if no country has the right to defend itself except for the Western powers. Japan’s military build-up gets a pass. India’s military build-up gets a pass. Australia’s military build-up gets a pass. America’s military build-up gets a pass. But not China’s.
China’s territorial claims
China has territorial disputes just like many other countries. In the highly contentious South China Sea, there are six countries that have overlapping territorial claims (China/Taiwan and Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam). But the West seem to only have a problem with China.
China’s foreign policy
China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. It does not export its political ideology. It respects all nations which is why it can forge positive alliances such as BRICS, RCEP and SCO.
Like most other countries, China has not followed Western sanctions against Russia, but this hasn’t stopped the West from criticizing China. China is dedicated to trade and commerce with all countries, including Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. China doesn’t take sides in foreign conflicts.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative
The West accuse China of “debt-trap diplomacy” with the Belt and Road Initiative. They can provide no evidence; it’s just innuendo. Apparently, 147 countries around the world foolishly allow themselves to be caught in China’s trap, a veiled insult by the West that these countries are weak and stupid.
China’s handling of the pandemic
The West have blamed China for the COVID-19 pandemic without cause or evidence. They have criticized China first for its lockdown policy (and violating human rights) and later for lifting its lockdown policy (and allowing its people to get infected in large numbers). Their blatant sophistry reflects their deceptive intentions.
Moreover, China is 91 percent fully vaccinated, according to The New York Times Covid World Vaccination Tracker, while USA is 68 percent fully vaccinated, UK 76 percent, France 79 percent, Germany 76 percent, Italy 80 percent, Canada 84 percent, and Japan 82 percent. China is doing better than all the G7 countries.
The Frightful Future
Western arrogance is putting the entire world at risk. Risk of another world war (over Taiwan). Risk of human extinction. Risk of failing to address climate change adequately. Risk of a massive global economic depression. I call for an end to this relentless China bashing. If you agree, make your view known in the comments. Thank you.
I agree there is a lot of unreasonable bashing of China, but I guess my perspective is a bit between you and the irrational China bashers. One claim about China which has always annoyed me is this idea that China is a nation hell bent on world domination eager to spread and take control akin to Nazi Germany.
I think that is in part due to an American need to see the world in terms of cartoon villains and heroes. You also make a good point about companies having a free choice to come to China and share technology or not. We did exactly the same in Norway. We could not offer large internal markets like China but valuable resources. If you wanted to drill for oil in Norway in the 70s and 80s you had partner with Norwegian companies just like in China. In fact to my knowledge that particular model China uses was copied from Norway. There was a Chinese delegation here in the 70s which wanted to discuss how China dealt with large multinationals from large powerful countries like the US.
Still I don't want to let China off the hook. There is no denying that China is an oppressive regime, and I don't think surveys really dispels that. In a regime with no press freedom people are easily lulled into thinking everything is great and the government does a great job because all criticism is suppressed and censored.
You will find many of the same results in many other dictatorships through history. All these surveys really show is that indoctrination at school and curtailing of freedom of expression actually works very effectively. If everything in China was as good as they claim there would be no need to brutally suppress freedom of expression.
I know very well as a Norwegian how serious China is about this. We have given the peace prize to people speaking up for human rights in China. That has not happen without sever consequences. Big powerful nations like the US never face such consequences because China doesn't dare challenge a big powerful nation like this US. They are pretty okay with twisting the arm of smaller nations however.
Thus as citizen of a small country, I see it as quite worrisome that Chinese democracy and freedom reforms are regressing while China is growing more powerful. It means they can increasingly bully smaller nations to do their bidding. To be clear this is not criticism of China as a country and its people but of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese people have not made these choices.
I think part of the reason many do a 180 degrees on China is that much of the American characterization of China has been utterly cartoonish. People who visit China will feel they got lied to as the dystopia they had been told to expect does not quite materialize in front of their eyes.
Reality however is that most dictatorships except North Korea, I suppose, don't fit the image of a dystopia. Read the accounts of visitors to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the 1930s. The characterizations of both countries is often glowing with praise about how well run, clean and neat everything is. Full of happy people etc.
Dictatorship is rarely felt by the masses. If it didn't it couldn't retain power. It is the minority who tends to get oppressed.